Industry News > 2023 ISSA State Pesticide Registration Survey Now Available

2023 ISSA State Pesticide Registration Survey Now Available

In addition to registering with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), disinfectants, sanitizers, and other pesticide products must also be registered with the individual states in which the products will be offered for sale. This requirement applies to both manufacturers and distributors of all pesticides, including antimicrobial products such as disinfectants, sanitizers, and germicides. States implement differing regulations, covering fees, which are usually flat and per product; renewal deadlines; and penalties.

These regulations change frequently and would be challenging for one company to closely monitor in every state. To ease this regulatory burden, ISSA, the world’s leading trade association for the cleaning industry, provides the State Pesticide Registration Survey on an annual basis as a benefit to our members. Each year, we compile this document with updated listings of all pesticide registration fees, renewal dates, penalties for selling unregistered pesticides, and state registration authority references. Many distributors and manufacturers now sell their disinfectant products in more states than they did prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, so having the most up-to-date regulatory information is more important than ever. Accordingly, the 2023 ISSA State Pesticide Registration Survey is now available. You can access the full survey by becoming an ISSA member.

Since our 2022 update, the pesticide registration fee for Oregon has increased and there is now a pesticide registration fee in the Virgin Islands. Registration authority references also have been updated throughout the 2023 survey.

For questions regarding the state pesticide registration survey, please contact ISSA Government Affairs Manager Stacy Seiden.