From Idea to Impact

In an era marked by rapid technological advancement and shifting market dynamics, the cleaning industry, at times perceived as traditional and slow to innovate by those outside the industry, is undergoing a transformative change.

Two entrepreneurs, Ricardo (Ricky) Regalado and Ricky Funk, activated their paths to the industry through their involvement with ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association. But while they may be the face people first see with Rozalado Services and Route, others helped start their enterprises, including Ricky’s wife Marley and his cousin Tony Pedroza.

From dreams to cleaning

Neither Ricky Regalado nor Ricky Funk initially envisioned careers in the cleaning industry.

Regalado’s early aspirations were in sports management, where he dreamed of becoming an NBA agent. This highly competitive field has high barriers to entry. After realizing the challenges, he pivoted towards the corporate world, which he found unfulfilling. He had a lot of ideas in his head and much that he wanted to do.

The turning point came from personal life changes and opportunities to enter the cleaning industry. Family connections, specifically his cousin Martin, introduced Regalado to the potential of owning a cleaning franchise. Martin had already run his own successful cleaning business. This led to the foundation of Rozalado Services, a name creatively derived from the last names within the family, founders Tony Pedroza (the Roza) and Ricky and Marley Regalado (the lado) to create Rozalado Services, symbolizing the union and collaborative spirit that would define the company. Regalado credits his network of family and friends with the success of Rozalado Services and Route, including “my wife, mom, dad, brother, cousin, uncle, aunt, god-daughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law… and best friends.”

Similarly, Funk, whose passion lay in technology, became disillusioned with his job and sought more meaningful engagement. Along with his wife, Funk leveraged his tech background to innovate within the cleaning sector. Starting with a residential cleaning company that he later sold, Funk transitioned into commercial cleaning and ultimately teamed up with Route, a software company founded by Regalado to address operational inefficiencies in cleaning services.

Discovery and growth through ISSA

Both entrepreneurs’ involvement with ISSA proved pivotal. Regalado’s first encounter with the scale of the industry came from attending an ISSA trade show in Las Vegas. What struck him was not just the size of the trade show, akin to those in the tech industry, but the realization of the potential within the cleaning sector. This experience was a significant revelation, fundamentally shifting his understanding of the industry’s possibilities and his potential within it.

Similarly, Funk’s engagement with ISSA was a professional eye-opener for him. The association’s events and programs exposed him to a broader network of professionals and a deeper understanding of the industry’s scope and challenges, which was instrumental in shaping his business strategies and innovations.

Leveraging ISSA for leadership and innovation

Regalado and Funk didn’t just attend ISSA events; they immersed themselves in the association’s community. Because of participation in ISSA programs, Regalado quickly found himself on the ISSA board of directors. For Funk, ISSA was a gateway to exploring the industry’s technological needs, which directly influenced the development of Route, his tech enterprise that aims to revolutionize cleaning business management.

Their stories highlight the critical role of ISSA in providing platforms for networking, learning, and leadership within the cleaning industry. Both leaders utilized these opportunities to advance their businesses and contribute to the industry’s evolution. Their involvement with ISSA helped them understand and implement best practices, leverage new technologies, and adopt innovative approaches that differentiate their companies in a highly competitive market.

Speaking of innovation, a tech platform tapping into Funk’s genius will soon be available to ISSA members. This platform will provide members with a tool to operate their companies better. Stay tuned!

Advocacy and future visions

ISSA sees government advocacy efforts as critical to the industry. Beyond business development and networking, Regalado’s and Funk’s engagement with ISSA involves significant advocacy work. Both entrepreneurs actively engage in legislative efforts led by ISSA to tackle industry-wide challenges, including labor shortages and regulatory changes. This advocacy plays a crucial role, giving the industry a voice at both national and international levels and ensuring that the interests of cleaning businesses are well-represented.

So much work goes into presenting bills and getting laws passed. It will take so many more volunteers to advocate for change. “It takes an army to make change,” Regalado pointed out. “You are invited. You can be a part of it. You can make a difference,” Funk encouraged.

Looking ahead, Regalado and Funk are optimistic about the industry’s direction. They see a future where the cleaning industry is more integrated with technology, more collaborative, and more recognized for its role in public health and safety. Their ongoing work with ISSA supports their vision.

The role of community

A significant aspect of their success, underscored by their stories, is the power of community. Both entrepreneurs emphasize the importance of the connections made through ISSA, which has provided business opportunities, mentorship, partnership, and support. This community aspect has been vital in navigating the complexities of the cleaning industry and fostering an environment where new ideas and business models can flourish.

The power of the community is priceless, as is the power of diversity in ISSA. Both Regalado and Funk echoed the thought: “Get out of your own bubble. Network. Get to know different perspectives. ISSA connects cleaning businesses, facilities, distributors, manufacturers, innovators, technology software founders, and many more.”

ISSA Charities

Cancer affects us all, so Cleaning for a Reason means a lot to Regalado and Funk as it touched home within their families. Therefore, they have participated in cleaning houses and raising money for the charity. Regalado said, “It’s a part of us, and we like to be a part of them. It’s a great initiative specific to the cleaning industry and supports a great cause.”

The Hygieia Network is another excellent initiative. In addition to their wives, who helped them in their businesses, they have met many hardworking and successful women along the way. “These women need the support of a community,” said Funk.

Embracing change

This story of Ricky Regalado, Ricky Funk, and ISSA is a big one—the story of change and innovation. Their examples represent how even traditional industries are flexible and change with time.

By leveraging organizations such as ISSA for networking, advocacy, and innovation, many have contributed to an ongoing industry transformation and transformed their businesses. For entrepreneurs like Regalado and Funk, ISSA became more than a trade association. For both, ISSA became the platform for growth and impetus toward innovation. It was a communion of professional minds focused on advancing what had traditionally been an underappreciated industry.

Regalado concluded: “Our mantra is, not only for all of us at Rozalado Services and Route, but for the entire cleaning industry, is to be ‘Stronger Together’ by building each other up and empowering our industry!”


Revolutionizing the business of cleaning.

Route, an ISSA member company, is carving out a distinct niche in the commercial cleaning industry by integrating cutting-edge technology into cleaning businesses’ routine operations. This platform aims to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and significantly boost users’ profitability.

“Route is a platform of business management tools for cleaning industry owners to grow, connect, share, network, and really be able to build a business in a space where technology is easy to adopt,” said Regalado.

At the heart of Route’s offerings is its comprehensive suite of tools designed to optimize every aspect of running a cleaning business. One of its standout features is the Route Bid system, which helps companies prepare precise bids through a quick and professional proposal builder. This system captures on-site details meticulously using the Walkthrough Builder, ensuring that every proposal reflects accurate job requirements and enhances the likelihood of winning contracts.

Route also emphasizes operational efficiency through its scheduling and inspection tools. The platform allows businesses to schedule inspections, assign inspectors, and utilize an inspection reporting system that integrates seamlessly with other Route functionalities. This ensures high service delivery standards and enables businesses to address potential issues proactively before they escalate.

Route Pulse, a sophisticated decision-making tool that aids in contract analysis and workforce management, bolsters the platform’s operational insights. It ensures efficient resource allocation, maximizes productivity, and optimizes operational workflows.

Introducing the Route platform has been transformative, particularly for small and midsize enterprises (SMEs) in the cleaning industry. Users report significant improvements in proposal clarity and professionalism, often landing them more contracts. The platform has gained the trust of over 1,000 cleaning companies, and testimonials emphasize its effectiveness in enhancing service quality and driving business growth.

Brand new is Route Marketplace, which brings the entire cleaning business ecosystem onto one platform. Contractors can search for other vetted contractors, connect, share business with one another, and find leads and potential contracts. “The idea is to create a trusted advisory group on the platform,” Regalado said. “Cleaning contractors can post questions and answers and share knowledge on the new community portal.”

Regalado added: “We have also partnered with distributors to offer the industry’s first group purchasing organization (GPO) for cleaning contractors under US$2 million in revenue. And we have partnered with ISSA to offer all of this to its members.”

The Route Marketplace program is free to members. Stay tuned. ISSA will inform everyone when it is ready.

Rozalado Services

A proud beacon in cleaning.

Chicago-based Rozalado Services Inc., an ISSA member company, is a beacon for the industry.

Since its inception, it has served diversified sectors, including corporate buildings, healthcare facilities, retail spaces, and more. Rozalado Services ensures that the environment is clean and healthy and offers feasibility for high productivity.

Services include janitorial services, floor care, post-construction clean-up, day porters, and specialty services, such as with RCM, a maintenance division, Roza Concrete Coating, and more, all part of 22 facility services the company provides.

Rozalado has scaled into one of the fastest-growing cleaning companies in America. Regalado attributes company  growth to the ability to serve its clients’ requests with a “‘yes’ and a ‘can do’ attitude, tapping into the company’s greatest asset—our team.”

Rozalado is an innovative company. It uses cutting-edge management and communication tools, allowing for real-time problem-solving, on-site support for cleaners, and more effective supply and inventory management.

With a popular company saying, “Make it about them, and they will make it about you,” Rozalado Services currently serves some 27 states.

For more on the Rozalado Services and Route journey to sucess, tune into the below Straight Talk! interview.
