ISSA leverages the expertise of our industry members to provide independent advice and valuable insight for the association’s operations and member services. Our councils consult, deliberate, and make decisions. Our committees discuss specific matters, make recommendations, and help implement plans.

Contact [email protected] to learn more about these leadership groups and how you can get involved.

Committees and Councils

The ISSA Building Service Contractor (BSC) Council provides the ISSA Board BSC Director with input and guidance as we strive to improve the value of ISSA to building service contractors.

ISSA leverages the expertise of our industry members to provide independent advice and valuable insight into the association’s operations and member services. The BSC Council provides great insight into the value proposition for BSC membership with ISSA. The Council has also been instrumental in building the program for the ISSA’s Business Growth Strategies conference.

Everyone will be requested to join a monthly conference call to discuss the groups initiatives and at times, sub working groups may be requested to spend more time together in the development process.

The expected workload as a volunteer should average 2-3 hours a month, depending on the scope of the project being developed.

Members of the Building Service Contractor Council

Ricardo Regalado,
Chair, ISSA BSC Council
BSC Director, ISSA Board of Directors
Route, Rozalado Services

Michael (Max) Andrews, Director of Business Development Midwest
Allied Universal Janitorial Services

Alan Applebaum, Director of Operations
Jack Laurie Group

Kevin Barton, President
Flagship Facility Services, Inc.

Bill Blanco, Chief Operations Offices
PSM Facility Solutions

Benjamin Borden Jr., Regional Manager of Sales
Corporate Cleaning Group

George Boutsalis, Vice President
Impact Cleaning Services

Sharon Boyd, Custodial Services Supervisor
Newport News Public Schools

Scott Claypool, Owner
Claypool Carpet Cleaning

Robert Collins, Executive Vice President
Crescent Cleaning Company

Alex Crowley, Supervisor
Vonachen Group

Luiz DaCosta, Owner/CEO
Modular Concepts LLC

Jason Dinverno, CXO, Managing Partner
Prestige Maintenance USA

Mike Downs, Vice President, Operations
Allied Universal Janitorial Services

John Ezzo, CEO
New Image Building Services

Jim Ferraro, Owner
Executive Facilities Services, Inc.

Evgeny Fetisov, Ceo
Zinger &Co

Ricardo Fuchs, Co-Founder / Board Member
EcoBrite Services, LLC

Julio Garzon, Quality Assurance Manager
Bonafide Conglomerate

  1. Nazir Hill, CEO
    Complete Facility Services

John Hogg, Regional Operations and Sales
Integrity National Corporation

Ty Hookway, Owner

Channing Johnson, President
KB Building Services

James Kehoe
Cleantec Services

John Kelley, Sr Director

Mahnaz Khaliqi, Owner
Green Apple Commercial Cleaning, Inc.

Chris Kincade, CEO
Janarus-The good Janitors

Bradley Klein, President
Building Professionals of Texas

Eva Kretschmar, President/Owner
RBG Janitorial LLC

Lisa Lavender, COO
Restoration Technical Institute

Tanmay Limaye, SVP & Corporate Development
Argenbright Holdings

Ryan Lynch, President
Bayside Commercial Building Services

Paul Mabry, Operations Manager
Clean Source Inc.

Shashikant Manapure, Director
Spick & Span Services

Monty McDowell, CEO / Prinicipal Broker / RESE
ADvance Management, Inc.

Joe Pereira, President
Integrity Maintenance Solutions, LLC

Pepper Powell, President
Rug Suckers, Inc.

Lucy Reid, Senior Director Operations
Impact Cleaning Services Ltd.

Mary Robinson, President/CEO
Windsor Building Services Inc.

Armando Rodriguez, CEO
A&A Maintenance inc.

Candido Rosario, Owner / President
Fairfield University

Michael Sills, President
A Sharper Image

Kendal St louis, CEO

Robert Stapleton, Director of Field Services
JAN-PRO Systems International

David Swindle, ISSA Associate Director – Consulting

Greg Teske, Project Manager
Beacon Group

Cheryl Timpson, HR & QA Programs Manager
Evripos Janitorial Services Ltd

Jeffrey Upmalis, Vice President
CNS cleaning

Iris Verdi, Director of Operations
Elite Building Services

Frank Wardzinski, COO
BRAVO! Building Services

Apply to be a member of the Building Service Contractor Council

ISSA Canada’s Building Service Contractor (BSC) Council was formed in October 2017 in an effort to strengthen the line of communication between the association and the BSC sector. The purpose of this Council is to provide input and consultation to ISSA Canada in order to
improve the value of the association to building service contractors.

Ken Hilder
ISSA Canada, Chair

Gavin Bajin
Modern Canada

Yiannis Boutsalis
Impact Cleaning Services Ltd.

David Clementino
Hallmark Housekeeping Services Inc.

Paul Goldin
Bee-Clean Building Maintenance

Russell Hay
Scandinavian Building Services

Dimitri Kourkoutis
BGIS Sustainable Cleaning Solutions

Michael Kroupa
United Cleaning Services Ltd.

Tony Raposo
Conciergerie SPEICO Inc.

Mike Nosko
ISSA Canada Executive Director

ISSA is excited to launch the ISSA Education Development Working Group with a primary focus on curating content for the ISSA Show North America, creating new and enhancing current programs that will impact the career journeys of industry professionals.

Everyone will be requested to join a monthly conference call to discuss the groups initiatives and at times, sub working groups may be requested to spend more time together in the development process.

The expected workload as a volunteer should average 2-3 hours a month, depending on the scope of the project being developed.

View the members of Education Development Committee

Apply to be a member of the Education Development Committee

Members of the Education Development Committee

Alan Applebaum, Director of Operations-Cleaning Services
Jack Laurie Group

Carolyn Arellano, Owner
Cleaning Business Mentor

Dorothy Askew, CEO

Raminder S Badh, Sr. Manager Robotics NA
Tennant Company

Nathan Bishop, EVS Manager
Job Options Inc.

Patricia Bobbitt,
Prince George’s County Public Schools

Richard Brown, Assistant Director Building Services
Princeton University

Bill Buchholz, HR Director
Buck Services

Dominick Buchholz, Director of Internal Operations
Buck Services Inc.

Tony Cardoso, General Manager
Mid-American Cleaning Contract

Jody Carroll, CEO
PowerX3 Property Maintenance Services LLC

Keith Chow, Director of Talent
Service by Medallion

Amber Christian, Job manager/ owner
3nchanted fairy-tale cleaning company llc

Rebecca Crampton, Quality and Environmental Manager
Didlake Inc.

Heather Culp, Manager of Learning and Development
Flagship Facility Services, Inc.

Meghane Duvall, Quality Assurance Manager
Chimes, DC

Steven Eichman, Facilities Manager
West Allis-West Milwaukee School District

Brandy Emmons-Powell, Director Quality Development

Christina Gallos, VP Organizational Development
Commercial Cleaning Services

David Grossman, President & CEO
Renue Systems

Stan Hulin
Future Facility Technology, Inc.

Rich Hurtado, Operations Director
Brevard Achievement Center

Zachary Hylton, Senior Sales Executive
Aromatic Fragrances International

Nathan Johnson, Teacher
Elk Grove Unified School District

Alex Kaggwa, Training Development Manager
Farnek Services LLC

Mark Lapp, Vice President
Jack Laurie Group

Charles Lewis, President
Supreme Cleaning Inc

Paul Mabry, Operations Manager
Clean Source Inc.

Erin McKindley
Alta Loma School District

Nishant Pandey, Director, Global Product Manager

Carina Pereira, Operations Manager
Monterey Bay Aquarium

Dwyan Poggi, Corporate Director of Facilities

Ron Purser, President
American Service Industries

David Saenz, Trainer Supervisor
Mesa Public Schools

Michael Schrage, Director of Facility Solutions
Royal Papaers

Chelsey Schwartz, Vice President of Marketing
Vectair Systems

Kendal St louis, CEO

Sabrina StJohn, Training and Development Specialist
Imperial Cleaning

David Swindle, ISSA Associate Director – Consulting

Ryan Tasovac, Custodial Coordinator
Elgin SD U-46

Greg Teske, Project Manager
Beacon Group

John Thomas, Director of Health & Wellness
Imperial Dade

Kathy Trivino-Harper, Director Safety and Training
BRAVO! Building Services

Aaron Uresti, Assistant Director of Custodial Services & Resource Management
University of California Riverside

Mark Warner, National Sales Manager
The Bullen Companies

Patrick Wilson, Director of Housekeeping and University Services
Millersville University

Apply to be a member of the Education Development Committee

The ISSA Period Poverty Advisory Council will play an advisory role in support of the development of ISSA’s education and advocacy strategy related to ending period poverty. This includes but is not limited to identifying education opportunities; development and promulgation of policy positions related to period poverty; execution and/or support of advocacy activities related to the campaign; and help communicating our messages to employees, vendors, customers, and policymakers on such issues.

Council members include:

Claire Coder
Founder and CEO
Aunt Flow

Krista Plewes
Head of Marketing
Citron Hygiene

Shallan Ramsey
CEO, Founder, and Inventor

Kenneth Vuylsteke
Board Member
HOSPECO Brands Group

Nilo Yagana
Vice President of Marketing

To learn more about ISSA’s Period Poverty campaign, please contact John Nothdurft, ISSA’s Director of Government Affairs.

The ISSA Government Affairs Advisory Committee (GAAC) plays an advisory role in support of the development of ISSA’s advocacy strategy. The committee recommends actions to protect, support, and advance the specific interests of ISSA members and of the entire cleaning industry.

This includes but is not limited to issue identification and prioritization; development and promulgation of policy positions; execution and/or support of advocacy activities; and help communicating our advocacy messages to employees, vendors, customers, and policymakers on matters of importance such as grassroots calls to action.

The GAAC also is involved in advising on specific policy positions, advocacy actions, advocacy events, advocacy fundraising, and other government affairs-related items.


Tom Friedl, Chairperson
President and CEO

Jody Carroll
Power X3 Property Maintenance Services LLC

Caryn Gilliam
Chief Strategy Officer
PortionPac Chemical Corporation

Daniel Hiza
Director of Marketing & Quality
Pritchard Industries

Christopher P. Pearce
Director of Government Affairs
SC Johnson

James Purcell
President and CEO
Products Chemical Company

Amber Reyna
Chief Revenue Officer
Verde Clean

Bob Robinson Jr.

Keith Schneringer
Senior Director of Marketing – JanSan + Sustainability

Veronica Vidal-Napier
Custom Cleaning and Management Services

ISSA Government Affairs Contacts

John Nothdurft
Director of Government Affairs
[email protected]

Stacy J. Seiden
Senior Government Affairs Manager
[email protected]

To learn more about ISSA’s Government Affairs Advisory Committee, please contact John Nothdurft, ISSA’s Director of Government Affairs.

The ISSA Hygieia Network, an ISSA Charity, provides the programs, tools, and support that enable all women in the cleaning industry to accelerate their careers and achieve their full potential. Our Council and Executive Advisory Council work to make the industry one, in which, women actively choose careers because of unparalleled inclusiveness and the development and advancement opportunities they can access.

ISSA Hygieia Network Council and Executive Advisory Council

Stuart Nicol, Chairman
Quipment Pty Ltd
253 Hinxman Rd
Castlereagh, NSW, 2749

Matt Marsh, Representative
Sebastian Property Group
Managing Director
PO Box 879
Bayswater VIC 3153

Scott McFadzen WLS, Representative
Principal Consultant & IICRC WRT & TSCT Instructor
47 Gregory Street,
Mackay QLD 4740
1300 253 464

David Miller, Representative
Tennant Australia
National Head of Strategic Accounts
General Manager Australia/NZ
11/4 Southridge St
Eastern Creek NSW 2766
(+61) 02 9839 9700

Donna Willmette, Representative
Rapid Group Co-operative Ltd
National Key Account Manager
Commercial 3, 48-56 Derby Street, Kingswood NSW 2747
02 4721 1993

Rochelle Lake, Representative
Essity Australasia
Head of Marketing – B2B
30-32 Westall Rd, Springvale, Victoria 3171
0404 480 415

Greg Pobjoy, Representative
Whiteley Corp. (Pty.) Ltd.
Vice President of International Sales
PO Box 1076
North Sydney, NSW 2059

Ken Bodie, International Director
Kelsan Inc.
5109 N National Drive
Knoxville, TN 37914

John Barrett, Executive Director
10275 W. Higgins Road, Suite 280
Rosemont, IL 60018 USA
Fax: 847-982-0852

The purpose of the Residential Cleaning Council is to provide input and consultation to ISSA staff to help improve the value of ISSA membership and to help continually improve the standard of professionalism in the residential cleaning industry.

ISSA Residential Cleaning Council Members

The purpose of this committee is to provide the ISSA Board Manufacturer Representative Director with an additional source of input and consultation in order to improve the value of ISSA to manufacturer representatives.

Director, Mark Presho

John Beers
Wind Associates, Inc.

Cary Buckley
Buckley & Associates

John Calarese
John Calarese & Co., Inc. – Now Legends

Bethany Harrington
Western Maintenance Sales

Neron P. Hinton
Hinton Sales, Inc.

John B. Osborne
The Osborne Group Inc.

Chris Saffel
Ryan, Saffel & Associates, Inc.

Jay Shearer

Tim Wolf

ISSA is pleased to announce the establishment of the ISSA Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC). This committee is part of ISSA’s continued investment and expansion of its advocacy efforts.

The RAC will play an advisory role in support of the development of ISSA’s positions on state and federal regulatory issues applicable to chemical cleaners, in addition to voluntary ecolabel standards. It will recommend actions to protect, support, and advance the specific interests of ISSA members, and of the entire cleaning industry. This includes but is not limited to issue identification and prioritization, development and promulgation of positions, execution and/or support of regulatory positions, and help in providing feedback for inclusion in ISSA’s comments on regulatory issues.

ISSA thanks the following individuals from ISSA-member companies for their important service to the cleaning industry as RAC members:

Drew Catron
Director of Regulatory Affairs
Hillyard Industries

Jamey Gaston
Technical Director
Midlab, Inc

Rebecca Kaufold
Manager of Government Affairs & Sustainability
Spartan Chemical Company

Ali Luedtke
Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Betco Corporation

Lisa Pankiewicz
Vice President Global Stewardship
The Clorox Company

ISSA Government Affairs Contacts

John Nothdurft
Director of Government Affairs
[email protected]

Meché Ragland
Manager of Regulatory Affairs
[email protected]

“Each member of ISSA’s Regulatory Affairs Committee brings a wealth of industry knowledge and experience,” said ISSA Director of Government Affairs John Nothdurft. “Our Government Affairs team is excited to welcome them to this new advisory body and we look forward to working with them to help guide the associations regulatory advocacy and education efforts.”

For questions regarding ISSA advocacy, please contact John Nothdurft, ISSA Director of Government Affairs.

The ISSA Sustainability Committee is a member-led initiative that exists to:

  • Assist our members when responding to sustainability requests from their customers
  • Help our members implement sustainability, efficiency, social equity, and other related business strategies in their own organizations.

The committee includes members from all facets of the cleaning value chain, many of whom also participate in the committee’s five work groups that focus on Education & Training; Reporting Tools; ISSA Show North America; International; and Strategic Planning.

We encourage all active ISSA members to join and participate in the committee, which meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Learn more about how you can join ISSA’s Sustainability Initiative

The Workplace Solutions Association (WSA), Powered by ISSA, represents over 500 members, including office products and furniture dealers, manufacturers, wholesalers, manufacturer representatives, and associate service providers. To learn more about WSA’s board and committees, please contact Mike Tucker, Executive Director.

WSA Board of Directors

Technology Committee

Works with dealers and service providers to educate and assist the industry with challenges and opportunities related to the performance and security of their operating systems, websites, internet ordering platforms, and other IT-related issues. Topics of importance include cybersecurity, e-commerce, digital content, search engine optimization, data, social media best practices, and imaging supplies/managed print solutions.

Steve Noyes
Clover Imaging

Steve Nuelle
ABM Federal

Lloyd Wood
gfk Etilize

Brian Bowerfind
ECI Solutions

Miles Young
On Time Supplies

Brian Stevenson
Independent Suppliers Grp

Furniture Committee

Works with furniture manufacturers and service providers to facilitate the sharing of information on products, processes, and best practices for mid-market dealers. Topics of importance include business management for dealers, technology, Covid-19 pandemic strategies, new vertical expansion, and brand support.

J.D. Ewing
COE Distributing

Charles Forman
Independent Suppliers Group

Brad Armacost
Contract Furniture Pros

Alan Bird
Complete Office Supply

Mark Hill
PVI Office Furniture

Tom Triplett
Triplett Office Solutions

Ian Hicks